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System design. 4. State-space methods. I. Title. TJ213.FS65 2005 629.84~22 2004063542 Manufactured in the United States of America Dover Publications. Inc.. Thanks for your attention! References. Control system design: an introduction to state-space-methods by Bernard Friedland. "How State Space Definition. • Steps of control system design. – Modeling: Equation of motion of the system. – Analysis: test system behavior.State-feedback design: null-space projection. Item 2 of Finsler's theorem may be used by projecting onto the (full column rank) null- space ?B of B. Advantage: simple State Space Representation A system is represented in state space by the following equations: x Ax Bu (State equation) y Cx State Variable Analysis and Design: Introduction, Concepts of State, State space analysis is an excellent method for the design and analysis of control Advantages of the state-space formulation are especially apparent when designing controllers for Multi-Input, Multi-Output (MIMO) systems, that is, those with
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